Clean Secret Service of Republican tendencies to have Money and sensations as key of behaviour.
President Obama has sufer a potencially risky situation because of a lack of a deep renovation of Secret Service from George W. Bush’s administration inheritage. The Republican tendency to consider “money as the rule of social building” explain effects like this of having included personal willing to fall down into sexual tentation during service period. A democrat administration has to go deeper into stamping democrat ethics in all services of government and federation of States. If women can seduce officers... what about Capital that can buy even more sexual services? Is it a proper status to face 2012’s elections? Director of Secret Service, Mr. Mark Sullivan should take into consideration the admition process of officers to detect other potentially “not trostoble” agents to be informed to President of the US. Obama will know well what to do decause Jesus Christ is by his side and will iluminate him with Wisdom from the Lord.