Andrés Amian Gómez cried three times for Trayvon Martin

La Habana, Friday, 13 April 2012

Dear Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton,

Shall God bless you!
I do believe Trayvon is a Hero. When he was nine he run into fire to save his father’s live. Now he have run into Zimmerrman’s fire to save mankind, just as Jesus did, creating a door to enter and get back from the Kingdom of Heavens.
The Lord will bring him back because it is a promise of God and there are tons of evidence that He fulfils His word. I am authorised to ensure you he’s forgiven, so be hopeful and even enjoy because you two are blessed by the Lord as haven been chosen for being Trayvon’s fathers.
In front of a blind Jesus was asked: Why did this was born blinded? Was his fault of his father’s one in front of the Lord, the reason?
Jesus answered them: It is not that he or his father had sin in front of the Lord. But for the Glory of God to be manifested that he was born blind.
So is the case with Trayvon’s. He died for the Glory of God to be manifested letting the World know that in 2012 the Justice of the Lord have reached us in the Earth.

I have cried three times with you.
The first was when I first saw you on TV. Was the moment of the declaration for the Congress, I believe. When I saw you speaking tears appeared in my eyes. I did not heard what you said, I was in a social dinning room, when I saw you the Lord’s Spirit touched me, I my soul cried, through my body’s eyes.
Today another rare thing happened. I was at the free Internet service the US Interest Section give to Cubans, and as I have so much emails at my inbox I just looked to those marked “important” as I always do. And I closed my account to check the Antillas’s Government one.
But the Lord Spirits made me go back and open it again, and I started to check the not marked as “important” emails. And found and print yours.
At the bus stop I get to read it, and tears appeared again in my eyes for Trayvon. Them I felt the need of writing you, so I look for a near public computers service and start to write and tears appeared the third time in my eyes.
This is not casualty.
The Kingdom of Heavens has started to make justice in Earth, and Trayvon was so sweet of helping us as monitor to test it.
My mother was also killed, but in a very “discrete” manner.
May be thousands of aged persons are suffering right now what my mother and I suffered. Most of aged people have tendency to high blood pressure and diminished adaptability to stress. So that as simple as offending them by saying disappointing thins dead can be provoked.
The intentionally provoked increase of blood pressure can provoke Heart Attack or a Blood Brain Accident: both effective weapons to kill, but ease to be considered as “natural death” at least for legal effects.
This was my drama. I passed 5 years denouncing my mother was been victim of psychological torture actions, and the authorities said I was crazy.
My mother is already death and I do not hope justices from men, but I beg for all justice from The Lord, even my mother to be back, and I am sure of that.
There is a passage in the Bible that fix the suffering and death of her. It it the one of the Women and the Dragon in Appocalipsis. The woman was my mother, and the Dragon is the Aniuska Soria who provoked her the Brain Vascular Accident. The “Beast” that appear there is Glemy, the new Aniuska’s husband of which is said that “was hurt and hilled him self.”
The hurting was a denounce that I could register at the police against him, and the self hilling is the annulations of the denounce he could do. In facts as the Bible says, after that “my family” gave him more authority against me, in my own house.
But Jesus Christ has commanded me to built for Him, and I want to integrate Social Networks:, Google+, @Sol2012CUBA Twitter account, “La Nueva Patria” blog, “Republic of Antilles” Legal Proclamation and Constitution and the Negotiation with Raul Castro (for Transition in Cuba) to create a World Wide Christian Government for dissidents of all dark corners of the world to find Justices thought legal political representation according to the Law of Heavens.
I believe Trayvon is an advanced exploratory soldier of Jesus Christ’s army that fulfilled a ranger mission against Devil’s injustice establishment and I believe Jehovah permitted it because He trusted in the faith of you two, his parents.
Jehovah is Love, Trayvon and my Mother Miquelina Haydée will be back in the right moment, do not doubt it.


Andrés Amian Gómez
Renamed Ciro by the Lord.


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