To: Norwegian Nobel Committee Nobel Peace Prizes - Federica Mogherini’s Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize Petition
Spiritual Kingdom of Yave
Spiritual Head of States “Lazaro I Maximiliano” Office
To: Norwegian
Nobel Committee
Nobel Peace
Subject: Federica
Mogherini’s Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize Petition
Committee Members,
to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, a nomination is considered valid if it
is submitted by a person who falls within one of several categories among which there is the “Members
of national assemblies and national governments (cabinet members/ministers) of
sovereign states as well as current heads of states” category.
I am the
current head of state of Spiritual Kingdom of Yave (Reino Espiritual de Yave,
sp), which current constitution was proclaimed on January 10, 2011 and it is
published at blog “La Nueva Patria” since June 2011.
I am
sovereign over the territory of Naval Base of Guantanamo, at North East pf the
Island of Cuba after Resolution 14/2016 of August 8, which used by US was
agreed by Resolution 19/2017 of March 28; and which Declaration of Independence
was issue by means of Decree 10/2018 of November 15.
Therefore I ask the Norwegian Nobel Committee to be so kindle of
agreeing in nominating High
Representative/Vice-President of European Union Federica Mogherini for Nobel
Peace Prize because of her singular contribution to the Cuban Government’s compromise in
respecting individual Human Rights and to the political dialogue between US and
Cuba in 2014-16.
The nomination petition is based in principles of
no discrimination against women, equality of opportunities and same reward for
same job, after a three steps analysis of facts looking for truth, honesty and
- Pope Francis was nominated after his declaration that the political dialogue agreement was caused by two letters he had sent to Barack Obama and Raul Castro exhorting them to do so. Hence having promoted the political dialogue between US and Cuba is merit enough to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize.
- US Government never confirmed that Pope Francis’ letter had been the cause of the political dialogue with Cuban Government start up on December 17, 2014. But US Government had announced on November 19, 2014 that if Cuban Government confirmed that was willing to make progresses in the respect to Human Rights, US policy towards Cuba would be changed.
- Federica Mogherini is the international personality, and even the non Cuban person, that has made efforts and achieved results the most for Cuban Government to acquired international compromise in respecting the Humans Rights understood as rights for individuals instead of only the majorities’ rights as traditionally the Communist Government of Cuba had understand and promote the Human Rights protection. In facts Pope Francis made only one official visit to Cuba and another non official one without mentioning the phrase “Human Rights” in neither of them. But Mogherini had made at least three official visits to Cuba, had received at least tree official visits of Cuban Chancellor Bruno Rodriguez at Europe, and has made Cuban Government signed twice an international trade for the respect of Human Rights.
Therefore Federica Mogherini merit the Novel Peace
Prize Nomination for her outstanding efforts and historical results towards the
Cuban Government compromise in respecting the Human Rights of individuals and
the impulse it gave to the US-Cuba political dialogue start up on December 17,
After Cuban Chancellor EU have made proposals of
political dialogue to Cuba several times after 1988, and since 2008 a
collaboration started giving donations to Cuba up to 120 million Euros by
dicember 2016. Nevertheless no EU representative had made Cuban Government sign
an agreement including the respect to Human Rights.
US Helms-Burton Law sais that for leafting the
Embargo Cuba must admit all parties and made free elections. Barack Obama’s
Administration required the change of regime in all countries where they
considered there were dictators. But after Mogherini arrival to international
politics scene on November 2014, US clamed Cuba just to make progress in
respect of Human Rights. It seem rather the signature of Mogherini in US policy
than the traditional precence of US in EU policy, as it was the Common
Possition of EU towards Cuba since 1996.
Other Federica Mogherini’s activities on the world
also merit the Nobel Peace Price
Mogherini was leader in the
preservation of the Nuclear agreement with Iran when US president Donald Trump
got out of it.
Mogherini was leader in UN
reaction against the recognition of Jerusalem, instead of Tel Aviv, as capital of
Israel by US president Donald Trump got out of it.
Mogherini was leader in mediation
the preservation of the Nuclear agreement with Iran when US president Donald
Trump got out of it.
The Vatican have largely prey the Lord and work
with world leaders to help the Cuban peole, since Her Sanctity Pope Juan Pablo
II. Pope Benedicts XVI came to Cuba after I declare my self under the
protection of Catholic Church in 2012. And Pope Francis came to Cuba after my
request in 2015 for giving me the Second Apostolic Benediction I asked him for
by means of the Refugee Consulate of US in Havane.
Pope Francis is an outstanding, beloved and
hardworking spiritual world wide leader referred as in my documents as Francis,
The Great. The name that I use Lázaro I Maximiliano, is 2/3 parts inspired in
him. They could be nominated together.
I prey your excellences to accept the expression of
my larger consideration, and preys to Yave, my Lord, to bless you deeply with
abundance of all kinds of benedictions.
JEdE Lázaro I Maximiliano
(Andrés Amian Gómez Soria, CI:
Spiritual Head of States (Head of
Spiritual Head of States over Cuba and Venezuela
since January 28, 2012.
Spiritual Kingdom of Yave (Reino Espiritual
de Yave, sp)
Bernardo Posse No. 20305 esq. 3ra La
Rosalía, SMP CH 11000, Havana, Cuba.
- After Mogherini was posted as Minister of Foreing Relationships of Italy in Febraury 2014, the EU posted an offer of politicial dialogue to Cuba right at February 10, 2014.
- Mogherini was quickly promoted to Chief of External Action on November 10, 2014, and just on November 18, 2014 US recognized Andrés Amian Gómez as a person with double citizenship, after his request.
- Hence Gómez presented
- Mogherini visits Cuba on March 23 and 24, 2015;
- Mogherini visits Cuba on March 11, 2016;
- Mogherini visit Cuba on January 2018;
- October 10, 2018 EU and Cuba hold Human Rights dialogue at Havana.[1]
[1] See: EU and Cuba hold human rights
Cited on January 27, 2019.
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