#Eugexodus (instead of #Regrexit). Referendum for one million British girls exodus to Cuba fallowing the British Junior Queen Eugenie to enter the land of the Spiritual Kingdom of Yave (SKY) in Cuba.

Ciro A de Posse Y León. Vocero del JEdE. Spiritual Kingdom of Yave (SKY/REY).
Havana, June 27, 2016. Her Majesty Elizabeth II, Queen of England, could inform british people Lázaro I Maximiliano, Spiritual Head of States (JEdE) of Spiritual Kingdom of Yave (SKY), is asking the United Kingdom for a British princess for marriage and one million of single British women to travel for marriage and funding internet enterprises from Cuba in a new British exodus similar to those that funded Canada, US, Australia and South Africa in past centuries and ancient Israel in Biblical times.
“There are two queens in London at this moment. The bee sage shows that when the youngest queen is already mature one of them must go, carrying along with working bees loyal to her.” Said Maximiliano who thinks the queen bee is a good symbol and teacher for princess Eugenie of York, nominated by Yave, The Lord for Queen of the Kingdom of Internet.
Eugenie of York is 8th (but the third female) in the succession order to the throne of England, but she was the one appointed by the Holy Spirit[1] for Queen of SKY after He agree her service in devotion to children suffering cancer help. 
Yave is Who change times and opportunities. He puts kings or end their power as He wants. (Daniel 2:21)
“Princess Eugenie Victoria Helena of York was born on 23rd March, 1990 at The Portland Hospital, London, the second child of The Duke of York and Sarah (…) Princess Eugenie is a Teenage Cancer Trust Ambassador” after The Duck of York.[2]                  
“Her first royal engagement involved opening a Teenage Cancer Trust's unit for young cancer patients in Leeds on 23 October 2008” says the Wikipedia[3].
“HRH Princess Eugenie of York plays pool as she attends the opening of the Teenage Cancer Trust Unit at the Great North Children's Hospital on May 19, 2010”[4]
  Lázaro I Maximiliano invitad this weekend princess Eugenie of York to visit cancer services in Havana Hospitals, and had have a visión –some weeks ago- for the creation of a new hospital in his municipality San Miguel of Padron as a gift of Her Magesty Elizabeth II. When He had –and published- that visión, he did not know that the Duke of York had this vocation.

[1] Eugenie of York nominated for Queen of SKY: De 8va princesa del Reino Unido a Reina Consorte de la CELAC. La Nueva Patria, 3 de mayo de 2016. Disponible en: http://lanuevapatria.blogspot.com/2016/05/eugene-of-york-nominated-for-queen-of.html. Citado: 27 de junio de 2016.
[2] Princess Eugenie of York. The Duke of York. Disponible en:   http://thedukeofyork.org/about-the-duke/princess-eugenie/. Citado: 27 de junio de 2016.
[3] Princess Eugenie of York – Wikipedia, the free enciclopedia. Disponible en: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Eugenie_of_York. Citado: 27 de junio de 2016.


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