Eugexodus during Brexit: Princess Eugenie of York could travel to Havana fallowed of 1 million Britain girls coming to predicate[1] the kingdom of Internet in Venezuela and to make families and business in Cuba: A side solution for Falkland Islands conflict with Argentina?

Ciro Pedro A de Posse Y León. Vocero del JEdE. Spiritual Kingdom of Yave (REY/SKY).
Havana, June 28, 2016. Boris Johnson, if confirmed as next First Minister of UK, after David Cameron ended his functions “in October”[1] could lead the princess Eugenie Exodus (Eugexodus) to Cuba and Venezuela[2] if Princess Eugenie of York (or a designed substitute) accepted the invitation from Spiritual Head of States of the Spiritual Kingdom of Yave, Lázaro I Maximiliano (Andres Amian Gómez) sent her last night (at UK Embassy Email) to visit cancer hospital services and art galleries in Havana, making profit of the occasion to meet each other and evaluate the possible political marriage among them and to prepare together monetary and judge systems unification of Latin America and the Caribbean Community of States (CELAC) based on Bible holly writings.
“Methodist Church started in England as a movement of Bible studies and spiritual renovation that prevented UK to suffer a bloody civil war as that of the French Revolution. This is what I did aborting a (“Arabic spring”) civil war of dissidents in Cuba in 2011, the spirit of John Wesley was with me. When Maduro came to Cuba for the meeting of the Caribbean States Asociation[3] Yave have revealed me of a woman sending her subordinates to abort attack of Barack Obama to Nicolas Maduro as Abigail (1 Samuel 25:17-19) did to abort David attack to Naval. I have made some efforts at Twitter and convocations[4] of Jehova’s Witness  and the Cuban Council of Churches but with no results. This morning Yave reviled me that I am not capable of stopping this attack (2 Cro 35:20-24), and that the John Wesley’s spirit to abort civil war in Venezuela is now with the Designed Britich Princess.” Said Andrés Amian Gómez, Yave’s prophet since 2006.
The Bible has a book named “Exodus”, at which Moises explained how God called him to guide the Israeli people out of Egypt. As a result a nation was created, the nation of Israel, which constitution (or main law) is known as “The Ten Commandments” (Exodus 20), that disappeared in year 70 after Jesus assassination and reappeared in year 1948 after “the Holocaust” during World War II.
But many years before Yave had spoken to Jacob saying: “I am the powerful God. Grow and multiply yourself, one nation AND A GROUP OF NATIONS will come to be out of you.” (Gen 35:11).
Gomez ensure that the “group of nations” is CELAC, that holds the 10 tribes of Israel “lost” in 8th century  before Jesus Christ, and had declare it Spiritual Kingdom of Yave (SKY) on Abril 12, 2015, after the VII Meeting of Americas’ in Panama (April 9-11, 2015).
Celac was created on December 3, 4, in Havana, while Gomez was the president of the “Transition Government in the Island of Cuba”[5]
Consults among dissidents from Jan 28 to April 4, 2011, expected 61% of dissidents supported the transition project presented by Gomez, 25% preferred to wait for personalities and press positions while only 14% did not admitted any transition option in Cuba that would not start by the derogation of Castro’s Government.
Argentina was the single country form Latin America that received a copy of the signed last sheet with the reception stamp of the Conceal of State of the Republic of Cuba. Other directly informed Governments were: US, Sweden and Germany.
Gomez has asked Sweden, Northway and even Rusia and Germany[6] to give him a princess to sign with a political marriage a trade between nations, and even between regions (EU and CELAC).
Gomez want two millions immigrants to Cuba (to compensate emigration to US) from Europe, Canada and Japan, but the special offer to the country offering a prince is the one million of immigrant women will come from this single (the Princess’) nation.
Having 1,5 millions (75%) of planed immigrants of female sex, and admitting only single immigrants forcing them to marriage with native and have their children half gens of Cubans, Gomez hope to abort the reproduction of the nationalist wars Cuba already suffered after Spanish colonization (1868-78, 1895-98) and after US neo colonization (1956-59).
Despite Gomez had had sent some little messages –asking for moral support- to Queen of England Her Majesty Elizabeth II, it was not until may 2016 that Gomez addressed to UK a clear and express proposition of a political marriage with a Britain princess[7].   
The EU funding countries (Germany, France, Italy, Holland y Belgian) started today to press to speed up the Brexit to concentrate in the future of Europe[8] despite the “Lisboa Trade” which article No. 50 recognize the right to exit the EU states in 2 years the exit terms negotiations and other 5 years for establishing a new scheme of relations.
But the EU “harry” could be cause by the Emails sent on Friday 24 to the very fast decision maker Federica Mogherini, High Representative of EU for Secure Politics and External Action, at which Gomez propose that the political marriage among him and a Britain princess (may be Eugenie of York, but not confirmed) to consolidate the Spiritual Kingdom of Yave (SKY), as Israeli an integration of the 33 countries of CELAC could be a defending piece in the future relations scheme between UK and EU.
The Emails were also sent to Argentinian president Mauricio Macri, who is the best aliade of Mogherini in Latin America, as she let understood while chosing him to visit just before his travel to Havana, on March 10 and 11, 2016 to sign a new diplomatic and political trade with Raul Castro.
Gomez asked Macri to support him in his pretentions to marry a Britain princess because he has no enough support up to date.
After his request, Argentinian diplomatic could represent Gomez as Spiritual Head of States over CELAC (Spiritual Kingdom of Yave), in a sort of federal diplomatic services.
But Gomez would also accept an Argentinian citizenship if there existed an adequate procedure to make it easier to Macri to support his project not officially recognized by Cuba, nor presented to international community from the Communist land were Gomez was born and from where never have been out.
In 2014 Cuban chancellor Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla obeyed in facts the Instruction No. 1/2014 to MINREX[9] accepting the political dialogue offerd issued by Federica Mogherini as new head of European diplomacy, but during his speech[10], Rodriguez undervalued the fact –and the emergence of Mogherini and Gomez as new leaders- saying that since years 80 EU had several times made this kind of offers for negotiations but at the end all had continued the same in bilateral relations.
Macri could consult the Argentinian people to see if they want to adopt Gomez as a citizen and his project of marrying a British princess as a better option to solve the conflict over Falklands Islands (Islas Malvinas, sp) instead of the juridical demand present at UN by President Cristina Fernandez or the war developed by the military Government 34 years before at which 649 Argentinians died in 74 days.
Boris Johnson, ex-mayor of London was the leader of Brexit (Britain exit) campaign at which 51,9 % chosen to exit the European Union participating the 72% of population last Thursday June 23, 2016.
British First Minister David Cameron –who faced President Cristina Fernandez juridical approach to the Argentina/UK conflict on Falkland Islands sending nuclear submarines to surround Argentinian costs- considered UK would go on to be more “secured” inside the European Union but understood that the Nation will is to fallow another destiny to which he will not be the guiding “captain” to out of European Union.
Previous exodus from UK have born great nations as Australia, Canada, US and Sudafrica.

[1] Brexit: Reino Unido se divorcia de la Unión Europea. Granma, 24 de junio de 2016. Disponible en: Consultado: 26 de junio de 2016,
[2] Fraternal encuentro entre Raul y Maduro. Granma, 24 de junio de 2016. Disponible en: Citado: 26 de junio de 2016.  
[3] Maduro pide al continente no aislar a Venezuela. El tiempo, Caracas, 5 de junio de 2016. Disponible en: . itado: 26 de junio de 2016.
[4] Some personal invitations and consults, and a juridical iniciative; Envío de Misiones… op cit.
[5] Constitución Interina de la República de Las Antillas. 10 de enero de 2011. La Nueva Patria, 6 de julio de 2011. Disponible en:  Citado: 26 de junio de 2016.
[6] Andrés Amian Gómez pide al BUNDESTAG Alemán un voto de confianza y una princesa… La Nueva Patria, 30 de marzo de 2012. Disponible en: Citado: 26 de marzo de 2016.
[7] Eugenie of York nominated for Queen of SKY. La Nueva Patira, 3 de mayo de 2016. Disponible en: Citado: 26 de junio de 2016.
[8] Países fundadores de la Unión Europea presionan para acelerar la salida del Reino Unido del bloque. Economía y negocios online, 26 de junio de 2016. Disponible en: Citado: 26 de junio de 2016.
[9] Instrucción No. 1/2014 (al MINREX) “Aceptación del diálogo con la UE” Disponible en: Citado: 26 de junio de 2016.
[10] Declaraciones de Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla a la Prensa… Granma, 6 de marzo de 2014, Disponible en: Citado: 26 de junio de 2016.


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