Lázaro I Maximiliano ask @FLOTUS to be his God Mother at Twitter, Media and Internet

Ciro Pedro A de Posse Y León. Vocero del JEdE. Reino Espiritual de Yave.

 La Habana, 14 de junio de 2016. Michelle Obama, First Lady for US is admiting at twitter (@FLOTUS) questions about female lidership to be answered today about 5 pm. Lázaro I Maximiliano (Andrés Amian Gómez) @Sol2012CUBA issued 19 questions about importance of women in internacional politics, and in the @RaulCastroR trasition to the Kingdom of Social Networks of Internet in #Cuba. The Spiritual Head of States of the Spiritual Kingdom of Yave ask @FLOTUS to, please, be his God Mother at Twitter, Media and Internet, and thanked her for the big opportunity of asking a First Lady of US.

Here're the Twitts:

1.       @FLOTUS Do you believe that if the president of US already were a woman the Orlado (FL) attack could had easelier been aborted?
2.       @FLOTUS How much God bless women to make effective and easier social, political and diplomatic negociations?
3.       @FLOTUS Were US – Cuba negozations for restablishing embassies faster because both head of negotiating teams were women?
4.       @FLOTUS Is Democrat Party strategy to face ISIS smarter because Hillary Clinton is The Woman while Republican candidate is just another man?
5.       @FLOTUS How important was Fist Minister of England  was The Lady (Margaret Tacher) while Mijail Gorvachov of Russia was there?
6.       @FLOTUS How determinant was the female gender of Federal Cancellor of Germany (Angela Merkel) in the consolidation of Euro Zone?
7.       @FLOTUS How women prestige in politics can be deduced from the fact @FedericaMog was nominated after Katerine?
8.       @FLOTUS Could a male president in Argentina could overcome the external debt as the female president Cristina Fernandez did?
9.       @FLOTUS Could american women distribute humanitarian help to Cuban people more democratically than male cuban-american do?
10.   @FLOTUS Would Castro Government agree in modern civil society conceptions easier if they were broght to #Cuba by female immigrants?
11.   @FLOTUS How good would it be for Cuban society to receive from one to two millions femaie immigrant from developed countries in 15 ys?
12.   @FLOTUS Could female German immigrants represent and reproduce European small busness in #Cuba?
13.   @FLOTUS Do you belive @Pontiflex_es would donate the 5th Ave and 26st bulding in Miramar for first temple of Spiritual Kingdom of Yave #SKY?
14.   @FLOTUS Would immigrant girls could substitude press as social communication means for #SKY in #Cuba?
15.   @FLOTUS Could immigrant girls become an optimal condensing nucleus for new civil society (#SKY) in #Cuba?
16.   @FLOTUS Do you think Castro would tolarate better immigrant girls looking for love and family in #SKY that who want to destroyed his Gov?
17.   @FLOTUS Do you understand Barack Obama arrived to be president of US because of your preyers to God and Love to him?
18.   @FLOTUS Apocalypses 12 says a woman was seen in #Sky about to born a male son. Would you be my God mother on Twitter, Internet and  media?
19.   @FLOTUS Do you think Castro would permits you –as woman- to present me to media, as p. Barack couldn’t and p. Carter did with troubles?


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