Solicitan a Corte Suprema de Justicia que declare vinculante la Resolución de la ONU para el fin del Embargo y pase el caso al Congreso
John G. Roberts, Jr.
Honorable Dr. Robets,
On Octuber 26, 2016 UN approved a resolution propose by the Cuban Government for US to end the Embargo to the Communist Istand.
I ppresented the US Government an alegate of 8 pages to be presented to the General Asambly in deffence of US policicy but the Obama Administratin did not made use of it.
Hence, I considered the US Gov had the opportunity for a deffence and had an independent lawer assigned by God by offece.
As consecuence of the approval of the Resolution and the US Gov declaration that will support the Cuban people iniciatives, I ask you to. please:
1.- Declare MANDATORY the UN Resolution;
2.- Pressebt ttge Congress the matter to be discussed
3.- Recommend the Congress to admit me as an independen judge capable of evaluation the accomplishment of the Helms-Burton law reculations for this case.
I prey you to accep the explresion of my sincere consideration,
Andres Amian Gómez Soria
Refugee Program Ref CU 225716
NID 71022325625
Honorable Dr. Robets,
On Octuber 26, 2016 UN approved a resolution propose by the Cuban Government for US to end the Embargo to the Communist Istand.
I ppresented the US Government an alegate of 8 pages to be presented to the General Asambly in deffence of US policicy but the Obama Administratin did not made use of it.
Hence, I considered the US Gov had the opportunity for a deffence and had an independent lawer assigned by God by offece.
As consecuence of the approval of the Resolution and the US Gov declaration that will support the Cuban people iniciatives, I ask you to. please:
1.- Declare MANDATORY the UN Resolution;
2.- Pressebt ttge Congress the matter to be discussed
3.- Recommend the Congress to admit me as an independen judge capable of evaluation the accomplishment of the Helms-Burton law reculations for this case.
I prey you to accep the explresion of my sincere consideration,
Andres Amian Gómez Soria
Refugee Program Ref CU 225716
NID 71022325625
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