To Therese May = Offer of right's to enter the US-Cuba negociation for normalization of relationships
Spiritual Kingdom of Yave
Oficina del Jefe Espiritual de Estados “Lázaro I Maximiliano”
Havana, July 15, 2016
Theresa May
First Minister
United Kingdom
Subject: Brexodus (British Exodus = A princess and one million britlsh girls exodus to Cuba)
You has been trusted the pen of history at begining of 21st Century, after Obama’s drone doctrine, Brexit is the most important fact in transition to a new gobal organization on Earth.
You can’t imagine how nice it have been to me the news I am going to be negociating with a british lady. I deeply thank Yave and the desosors the picked on you for this responsability.
See I am going to be direct. You asked EU leaders for time to evoque article 50 of the Lisboa Trade that will start the Brexit terms negociation.
So I have a bit of question:
Would you like to put UK only 90 miles far from US?
YES!! You have thinked of the write answer, CONGRATULATIONS again!!!
So we only have to discuss the Price.
This is what I want:
50 billion GBP (50’000’000 000.00 GBP) only.
Naval Duke of Guantanamo title
United Kingdom (UK) recognize the Spiritual Kingdom of Yave (SKY) as a state.
A british princess hand in marriage. As dowry for marriage I ask for she to have the soberany over the states of the Commonwelth that belong to Latin America and Caribbean Community of States (CELAC).
In change I offer:
Patrimonial Rights of the “Renegociation Project for the 1898 Paris Trade on Cuba and Puerto Rico. So that UK will be able in rights to enter the Cuban-US negociation for normalization of bilateral relationships.
One million british girls immigration to Cuba. So british women will represent british enterprises, and interés in Cuba.
I asume the long term low interest credit line neccesaria for:
Solving Cuba debt with Paris Club (15 billions)
Solving Cuba debt with US (7 billions)
Investment rate needed by Cuban Government (2,5 billions per year)
Ensuring fonds for financial services for new families and new enterpises formed by british immigrant in naturalization process.
I am sure UK will be in better conditions to negociate Brexit after Brexodus.
I will deeply enjoin a visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to Commander in Chief Fidel Castro on Agoust 13, 2016: his 90 onomastics.
I prey you to accept the expresión of my deepest satistaction at meeting you for making business and future as a service for our peoples.
Lázaro I Maximiliano
(Andres Amian Gómez)
Spiritual Head of States
Spiritual Kingdom of Yave
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